by dev1225 | Sep 30, 2014 | Blog, health
Red wine is among the healthiest ways one can indulge in alcohol. One of the main reasons is red wine has a polyphenol called resveratrol, a key anti-oxidant which has been shown to reverse the aging process. It also has anti-cancer potency. Recently resveratrol was...
by dev1225 | Sep 30, 2014 | Blog
How An Atheist Got Into Heaven: Strange title? Not really, for once you understand that what you are seeking really cannot be put into words, then there are many ways to describe it. After all, what is heaven? A place? Or a feeling? Your biggest error is thinking once...
by dev1225 | Sep 30, 2014 | Blog
Once upon a time there were three monkeys, one was simple, one of average intelligence, and one was very intelligent. The simple one was content just living off the land, in complete harmony with nature. Others laughed at him for his lack of drive, lack of...
by dev1225 | Sep 30, 2014 | Blog
To be human is to have problems, dreams and aspirations as of yet unfullfilled, regrets over the past, and often anxiety over the future. Fortunately there are shortcuts to help us feel better and get back on the right track. As the creator of Gabatrol, a product that...
by dev1225 | Sep 30, 2014 | health
My brother has this fascination with a psychological theory called ‘the denial of death’ by Ernest Becker, that posits much of what humans do sociologically and psychologically is to deny their death. Humans, as conscious creatures, are the only poor animals that can...